Safeguarding Statement ECT Charity
ECT Charity takes its safeguarding responsibilities as a charity and as a provider of services for children and adults at risk extremely seriously. We have a duty of care to safeguard from harm our staff, volunteers and all adults and children who use or come into contact with our services.
To thoroughly embed a culture of safeguarding ECT Charity has:
- safeguarding policies and procedures which apply to all staff and volunteers (these are reviewed at least annually to ensure compliance with current statutory and regulatory provisions for safeguarding protocols as well as best practice);
- designated Staff Safeguarding Leads and a Designated Trustee Safeguarding Lead;
- a Code of Conduct for all staff and volunteers which outlines the behavioural standards necessary to promote and uphold the safeguarding responsibilites we all hold;
- robust safer recruitment processes to ensure that the people who join our organisation through employment or volunteering are suitable for their roles;
- Health and Safety policies, Risk Assessments, Safe Working Procedures and management procedures to identify, assess and mitigate risk on an ongoing basis (staff are trained in the implementation of these and receive ongoing refresher training throughout their employment);
- staff training to assist them in recognising signs which could indicate that a child or adult at risk may be at risk of, or is being, harmed (this training is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains current and in line with best practice);
- systems for referring or reporting safeguarding concerns when this is necessary;
- a safeguarding log to record all safeguarding concerns where there is a risk of imminent harm which is reviewed by our board of trustees on a quarterly basis; and
- a zero-tolerance approach to any behaviour which could lead to anyone being abused or harmed.
If you are a member of the public and would like to get in touch with us regarding our Safeguarding Policies and/or procedures, or need to confidentially report a concern or disclosure, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead ( / ECT Charity, Greenford Depot, Greenford Road, Greenford, UB6 9AN.)