
ECT Charity makes the UK Social Enterprise Awards shortlist

September 03, 2018

ECT Charity makes the UK Social Enterprise Awards shortlist image
Ealing passengers have a chat with their driver on their journey to an Age UK community group.

ECT Charity is pleased to announce that it has been shortlisted for this year’s UK Social Enterprise Awards. Run by Social Enterprise UK (SEUK), the Awards highlight impactful work of social ventures from across the country.

ECT Charity joins five other organisations in the ‘Prove it: Social Impact’ category, which showcases enterprises that can “truly demonstrate their impact with their stakeholders”. Winners from each category will be revealed at an Awards ceremony taking place in November.

Selected from over 30 applicants for the category, ECT Charity’s application for the Awards highlighted not only the value it creates for communities through providing affordable and accessible transport, but its work towards enabling the community transport sector as a whole to measure its social impact and social value.

Anna Whitty, CEO at ECT Charity, said: “We are thrilled to have been chosen amongst 30 other applicants for the category, and to be listed among some of the UK’s most inspiring impactful organisations.

“We hope making the shortlist will be an opportunity for ECT to promote our social mission of ending social isolation through community transport, as well as raising awareness of our recently launched social value Toolkit – which enables community transport organisations to demonstrate the value of their work.”

You can find the full shortlist for 2018 here.

Categories: ECT Charity