A life-long local resident of Ealing, Stephen left school at the earliest opportunity and was variously a seaman, bus conductor and hospital porter until, after evening classes at the City Literary Institute, his trade union sponsored him to attend the London School of Economics. Completing his Diploma in Trade Union Studies, Stephen then gained a BSc(Econ) in 1981. He was sabbatical President of the Student Union in 1980.
After graduation, he worked as a homeless persons officer with Camden Council and then a Housing Officer with Hammersmith and Fulham. Stephen became an Area Housing Manager with Paddington Churches Housing Association until May 1997.
Having been elected to Ealing Council in 1982, he served continuously until 1998 (Mayor of Ealing 1995-96) and was elected to Parliament as the MP for Ealing North in 1997.
After 22 years in Parliament, Stephen retired in 2019, having served for 20 years as either a member of the Northern Ireland Select Committee or Shadow Minister of State for Northern Ireland. Having worked with ECT Charity throughout his political career and seeing at first hand the huge benefits that the organisation brings to both individuals and the community, he was honoured to be elected as Patron in 2021.