Season’s Greetings from the CEO
Hidden Heroes: “It’s not a job, it’s a responsibility”… “It’s all about making people happy and keeping them safe.”
Hidden Heroes: “I’m not very good at blowing my own trumpet – but I hope I’m doing something good for the community”
Hidden Heroes: “They are very precious to us, our customers. We just want to make sure they are ok.”
Hidden Heroes: “A lot of these patients live on their own – they don’t see anybody apart from the postman”
Hidden Heroes: “It’s all hands to the pump” – as ECT steps in to provide crucial vaccination transport
Thank you – you have been outstanding!
Hidden Heroes: “I’ve just seen it as something to be done, to help in any way I can”
Hidden Heroes: “We’ve proved we can get through this – we stand ready for whatever the future throws at us!”
Hidden heroes: “It was just a breath of fresh air to find ECT. It’s given me hope and I was able to pass that hope to my Mum, and my sister as well”