
Terms and Conditions of ECT’s Group Transport Service

WHO CAN USE GROUP TRANSPORT? The service is only available to community and statutory groups who are registered, fully paid members with ECT. Community groups are defined as voluntarily set up organisations working within the community (e.g. clubs, associations, charities). Statutory groups are publicly funded bodies (e.g. schools, day centres, local council departments, health authorities). Membership is renewable annually.

WHO CAN MAKE A BOOKING? Bookings will only be accepted from authorised persons registered with ECT. The Main Contact or Treasurer of the Group must notify ECT of any changes to their authorised persons in writing, preferably by email. It is the Group’s responsibility to ensure Group and driver information is up-to-date.

WHEN AND WHERE CAN I DRIVE? Minibuses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be driven anywhere in the UK.

WHO CAN DRIVE? The minibus can only be driven by a person who has received full training from ECT and is in possession of a valid ECT photocard ID and MiDAS certificate. The Group must notify ECT of their nominated driver at least 24 hours in advance of minibus collection. Nominated drivers from a Group are deemed to be acting in a voluntary capacity and must perform this in accordance with ECT’s Role Description: Group Transport Volunteer Driver.

WHAT IF WE CAN’T PROVIDE OUR OWN DRIVER? ECT can provide fully trained, DBS checked drivers to drive for group transport bookings. If notified at the time of booking, ECT drivers are available to assist passengers in their transport requirements throughout the day (e.g. pushing wheelchairs), excluding legally required breaks. Please note, they are not trained as carers and will not be able to assist with e.g. toilet breaks.

INCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS & BREAKDOWN If the Group has an accident, incident or breakdown Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.30pm, ECT should be contacted on 020 8813 3210. At any other time please call the Emergency Breakdown line on 0751 55 5050. All accidents or incidents must be notified to ECT at the time they occur.


FUEL & REFUELLING ECT meets the costs of all fuelling. Minibuses are provided with an Allstar fuel card to cover the cost of refuelling. ECT will not reimburse cash payments. Drivers must ensure that the garage accepts Allstar fuel cards prior to filling up. All ECT minibuses are DIESEL and minibuses must be returned with at least half a tank of fuel.

USE OF A MINIBUS ECT minibuses must be driven in accordance with all applicable road traffic laws and regulations. The Group will be liable for any Penalty Charge Notices or other charges which arise as a result of a failure to do so. This includes any penalties for driving a non-compliant minibus in the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) if ECT is not advised at the time of booking that the booking would involve entering the ULEZ. The Group must also:

CANCELLATIONS You may cancel up to 48 hours before the minibus collection time without incurring a fee. Fees for late cancellations or no-shows are outlined in ECT’s Group Transport Summary of Charges.

FEES AND CHARGES These are outlined in ECT’s Group Transport Summary of Charges. Invoices are sent at the end of each month and payment is due within 30 days.

MINIBUS DAMAGE COST RECOVERY POLICY Up to £350 excess is payable by the Group if a driver provided by the Group is responsible for at fault accidents/incidents. This includes incorrect fuelling, interior/exterior damage and flat batteries (as a result of not switching off the radio/lights).


LIABILITY ECT is not liable for any consequential loss, financial or otherwise, incurred by the Group, its drivers or passengers following the non-availability, failure to provide, theft, breakdown or loss, of a minibus.