
PlusBus Shuttle

PlusBus Shuttle image


PlusBus Shuttle: Alderholt - Fordingbridge every Wednesday 

This new service for PlusBus members connects Alderholt and Fordingbridge every Wednesday, running along a fixed route on a timetable – and there’s no need to book a seat, just turn up and go. 

The service starts at the “Charing Cross” (Co-op) bus stop on Ringwood Road in Alderholt, before travelling onto Earlswood Drive, Birchwood Drive and Hillbury Rd, picking up from any safe location. The last pick-up before moving onto Fordingbridge is the “Windsor Way” bus stop on Hillbury Road. In Fordingbridge, the service drops off at the bus stops in Salisbury Street – or at the surgery by request.    

On it’s way back from Fordingbridge, the service travels direct to Alderholt and can pick-up or drop-off passengers anywhere along Station Road. Passengers travelling to Earlswood Drive, Birchwood Drive and Hillbury Rd can simply stay on the bus as it makes it’s way round the village back towards Fordingbridge.  

To use the service, passengers will need to be members of our PlusBus scheme. For those new to PlusBus, it’s easy to join and more details can be found here.  A single fare costs £2 for an adult, £1 for a child between 7 and 18yrs and is free for children under 7. National bus passes are also accepted. 

Timetable:  Alderholt – Fordingbridge – Alderholt (Wednesdays only) 

Alderholt (Co-op) – dep 0915 0950 1030  1105 1205 1240 1320  1355
Alderholt (Chapel)   0920  0955  1035 1110  1210  1245  1325 1400
Fordingbridge -Surgery*  0928  1003  1043  1118  1218  1253  1333 1408
Fordingbridge – Salisbury St – arr.  0931  1006  1046  1121  1221  1256  1336 1411 
Fordingbridge – Salisbury St – dep.  0940  1020  1055  1155  1230  1310  1345  1425 
Alderholt (Co-op) – arr. 0950  1030  1105  1205  1240  1320  1355 1435†

*On request only
†The last service continues onto to Earlswood Drive, Birchwood Drive and Hillbury Rd