
PlusBus in Dorset

PlusBus in Dorset image

Feb 2025 UpdateFormer members of NORDCAT, please click here.

What is PlusBus and can I use it?

Our PlusBus service provides transport for people who are unable to easily access public transport: young or old and including those with mobility difficulties. To use PlusBus, simply register your details with us initially and then pre-book your seat whenever you wish to join the bus. Where possible, we can offer a “door-to-door” service and can also accommodate passengers travelling in wheelchairs.

Where and when can I travel?

Our PlusBus service offers a weekday trip from neighbouring villages to local destination towns, arriving approximately 10am and departing approximately 1pm. Please click on the relevant link below for detail on our current routes to and from:

We are always looking to improve and trial new PlusBus services. Services could run fortnightly or monthly, and we could consider alternating the destination or day of travel according to suggested preferences.

How do I register? 

Before you can book PlusBus journeys, you’ll first need to register. It’s quick and easy to do - find out more here

How do I book?

Call us on 01258 287 987 (between 9.30am and 2.30pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays) or email us at Once registered, trips can be booked up to one month in advance but no later than 2.30pm the previous working day. Please see below for information about bookings around the Bank Holidays.

Do you run on Bank Holidays? What happens over Christmas?

PlusBus does not run on Bank Holidays or any time during the 8-day period from and including Christmas Day to and including New Year’s Day. As our bookings line is closed during these times, you will need to take note of the deadlines below for booking travel.

Upcoming Bank Holidays 2025

If you want to travel on:

You need to book by 2.30pm on:

Friday 18 April
Monday 21 April

Tuesday 22 April

Thursday 17 April

Monday 5 May

Tuesday 6 May

Friday 2 May

Monday 26 May

Tuesday 27 May

Friday 23 May

Monday 25 August

Tuesday 26 August

Friday 22 August

Thursday 25 Dec
Friday 26 Dec

Friday 2 Jan 2026

Wednesday 24 Dec 2025

Office will be closed from Thursday 25 December 2025 and will reopen on Friday 2 January 2026. No PlusBus services run during this office closure.

How much does it cost?

For 2025, our fixed return fare remains at £8. The majority of our PlusBus services are cash only and we are unable to accept any card/contactless payments. We continue to accept the National Bus Pass. Simply present your valid bus pass to the driver each time you travel! Please note that pass holders will still need to register with us (for free!) and pre-book each journey in the usual way.

How is PlusBus funded?

We do not receive any direct subsidy for our PlusBus service – we provide it as part of our charitable objectives and public benefit to help improve transport opportunities to individuals within the community.