
Dial-a-Ride in Ealing

Dial-a-Ride in Ealing image

What is London Dial-a-Ride and can I use it?

We operate various London Dial-a-Ride routes on behalf of Transport for London (TfL). London Dial-a-Ride provides door-to-door transport for people who find it difficult to use public transport.

TfL deals with the administration for this service. Call them on 0343 222 7777 or click here for more information.

In order to use this service, you must meet TfL’s criteria which you can access here.

Where and when can I travel?

London Dial-a-Ride provides its services across all of London, and we provide some of these services for London Dial-a-Ride in Ealing.

You can use London Dial-a-Ride to go on shopping trips, to visit friends and family and to travel to recreational activities. However, you cannot use London Dial-a-Ride for getting to and from hospital appointments, work, council day centres and school. If you need transport services for these reasons, you can always book a journey on our PlusBus service.

How do I register?

Call TfL on 0343 222 7777.

How do I book a journey?

Call TfL on 0343 222 7777.

How much does it cost?

London Dial-a-Ride is free for registered members.

How is London Dial-a-Ride funded?

TfL provide us with funding in order to provide the service on their behalf in and around Ealing and neighbouring boroughs.