
Adult Day Centres

Adult Day Centres image

Ealing Community Transport provides transport to adult day centres on behalf of the London Borough of Ealing. Our fully accessible vehicles take clients from their homes to their day centres – including additional door-to-door assistance for those who need some extra support.   

Each of the centres we work with provides a vital service to their users, providing engaging activities, respite for careers and social inclusion. The centres include the Michael Flanders centre, supporting people living with dementia; Bead Sew Crafty, who provide therapeutic craft workshops for adults with learning disabilities and additional needs; Ealing Mencap, who provide a wide range of activities, services and advice for people with learning and other disabilities; and The ARC, who provide support for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. 

If you or someone you care for uses the service and has a transport enquiry, cannot attend on a particular day, leaves something behind on the bus or has service feedback – please contact your Day Centre in the first instance.